Bombyx mori



does not occur wild. This is a domesticated species derived from Bombyx mandarina


between three and five centimeter


most stock available in Europe is univoltine with moths during the summer, overwintering eggs and caterpillars in Spring. Some of the Asian races are bivoltine or even brooding continuously with up to eight flights a year

Food plant:

Moraceae, especially Morus species but also Maclura. Reports of Malus and Salix are not necessarily wrong, however mortality on these alternative plants is very high (too high to use them)


A children's species, extremely easy. Keep warm. Plastic containers will do just fine. Fast growing and pupating within less then a month.


inbred makes them vulnerable for bacterial and viral infections and for that reason mori broods should always be kept separately from other caterpillars. Fully grown caterpillars need a suitable structure to pupate (an used egg carton works well)